
A chance to touch the stones

I went to Stonehenge a week ago in celebration of the annual Summer Solstice - the celebration of the sunrise for the longest day of the year. (Ironically, people stay up all night to witness this, and then most will spend the longest day of the year sleeping to recover.) Anyhow, it is a sacred place, a thing of beauty, the only time anyone is allowed to physically touch the stones, and the fields are full of people, all drunk, high, or plain happy. Hippies, druids and other strange types hoard together.
It was a beautiful night, and sunrise promised to be equally beautiful. My plan was to take photos of the event - I thought there could be some interesting ones. After failing to buy a disposable camera (I thought the style would suit) due to lack of stock in Boots, I opted against taking my SLR and took a standard digital camera.
It quickly ran out of battery, so I resorted to my phone. And instead of taking photos of the interesting people, the stones, and of course the sunrise, I got these...

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