
A trip to China

A few days back, I found out that I was accepted on the StudyChina programme I recently applied for. It is a 3 week programme, funded by the government (all but the flights) and involves engagement with Chinese students, intensive Chinese language classes, various lectures on Chinese culture, calligraphy classes and several visits. It sounds like a fantastic opportunity, and I'm delighted to be one of the lucky ones to get a place!

I booked my flights yesterday, and have an extra week after the programme finishes. This means that I miss a total of 2 weeks of uni (the first 2 fall in the Easter holiday period). My tutor did grant me permission, and suggested that I use the time to visit a few galleries/exhibitions/studios, and make some sort of project from it.

I plan to do just that :)


A girl with squid-like legs

Ink outline drawing...

...and then scanned, and digitally coloured

...coloured pencils, scanned and digitally manipulated.

...coloured, and digitally manipulated, this time reduced to grayscale and put over a photograph.


Spirals, Landscapes and Question marks

Directly inspired by the work of Czech photographer Kateřina Držková, these images take elements of original photographs and rearrange them into flat patterns, raising an air of mystery and undefined beauty.


Probably about time...

....that I posted another entry.

Looks like my promise of regular posts suggests one every 2 weeks. Whoops! My excuse? Work. I had a deadline yesterday, so therefore I've been working on that, in amongst other stuff.

My exciting post of today is.........

wait for it........

....I got a letter from The Queen! (Well actually, it was Mrs Sonia Bonici, on behalf of The Queen...), but hey.

I sent an envelope to her address as part of a recent project. It was one of an edition of 17 that were sent to various people, ultimately asking the question 'Why are we here?'
If you saw my last post, then my answer is no, I have not failed my new years resolutions already - I sent the envelopes last year. 'Refrain from doing projects about philosopical ponderings on the meaning of life' still holds true.

Anyway, it wasn't too interesting. Here's an extract:

'Her Majesty was interested to read about your personal project from which you aim to discover other people's views and theories on the matter of existence. I am afraid, however, that throughout her reign, The Queen has made it a rule to not publicly express her personal views.'

Had it arrived yesterday, it would have been included in the stuff I handed in for the deadline. Typical!

(That is my current address. Send me something, if you like!)



I am sitting here, having had one of the most unproductive days I could possibly have managed. Perhaps this is not surprising considering the 9am bedtime after a night in London. I had to muster up the enthusiasm to write this post. Sorry if it's shit.

It is the 1st day of a new decade. The noughties are over (possibly the most ridiculous name for a decade ever) and we are now moving into the next one, which we will call....actually, what is it called? The tens? The tennies? I have no idea! Meh, it probably isn't worth pondering over too long.

Anyway, it is the 1st day of a new decade, and this means that my new years resolutions begin. I have never really done them before, properly at least, so it is all a bit new. I took the time to write them out - you can see the images above - and I will try to achieve each and every one of these 10 goals, for which I shall document, most likely.

You will see that the first one on the list reads 'Start a blog, and update it regularly.'

Well here we are - a blog, that I have started. And maybe I will update it, regularly.